Aug 13 - Pull me! Pull me!
Seth has decreed that all therapists and doctors should from this day forward have a degree in empathy, real life experience with all things which patients must endure...this includes Heparin (anti blood clotting) shots, MRI's, and most of all, the dreaded Speech Therapy tests. He's trying to convince the therapists and doctors that this is a good idea but no one seems to be getting on the bandwagon! However, I think he may be on to something here!
Seth had his MRI's (brain and shoulder) today. He said it was particularly claustrophobic but that it was fine as long as he kept his eyes shut. Dr. Ripley said he would go over these with us tomorrow.
He did 3 mini block hops today! I also got certified to be his official mini block hopper so that I can do the mini block walks without a PT being there! Hooray. I am hoping we can get 5 tomorrow.
Now out of the hospital and into life...
Seth and I have a little game we play. He is always faster than me particularly when it comes to biking. He often does what we call dog laps. Where he goes on ahead and then laps back to check on me and then goes back on ahead and so on and so forth. When I get near to the top of the hill, he is always there. I'll holler out to him "Pull me! Pull me!" He always smiles and then throws me an imaginary rope which I catch and then he pulls me in, one hand over the other on this imaginary rope. It is amazing how strong this rope is because as soon as I catch it and he starts pulling, the hill gets easier!
Today, I went out on my first mountain bike ride since the accident with my friend Lori and a gaggle of other girls. I am just trying to get back into the saddle but got bucked off today. I suppose it started with the dirt on my mountain bike that was still there from the trail we did that fateful day two months ago. The Hermosa Creek Trail has many creek crossings so our bikes were pretty dirty near the end. A crack in my armor. Then as we were ascending the hill on the ride today, a rider came down that had taken a fall. He had cuts on his arms and legs. A pit of fear in my stomach. We finally reached the top. I was worried because we didn't make the top until 7:30 and I had told Seth I would be back at 8:00 to help him shower and spend the evening with him. A dash of stress. As we started our way down, I took up my usual position near the rear. I don't go very fast downhill either so I like to let all the speedy guys go first. And as I was descending, one of our group had taken a fall over her handlebars. I didn't see it but I came upon this scene after the fall and ran up to her. She was fine. But the dam broke. All of these memories that I thought were securely locked away in a special cave that I thought had no key came flooding out. I panicked seeing over and over and over in my mind how Seth looked when I first saw him after he'd been hit. Memories that are simply too acute to process. I felt like I was falling into an abyss.
My friend Lori had the rope today. She threw it to me and pulled me out. This picture is one of us two canyoneering in the San Rafael Swell. I didn't want to get my shoes wet and so she carried me across one pool. I thought this picture was particularly appropriate considering where I was headed today. Thanks Lori.
Reader Comments (3)
Charlott is very claustaphobic also, and she hates MRI s
always gets valuim before, but it is never enough according to her!! She has to go to Vail in the AM 6:30 to get an injection into a vertabrae just below where she had a fusion two years ago. If it releives the pain they will know that is where they need to concentrate.
Just minor compared to what you two have been through.
Glad you are doing so well,
I know I'm a few days late but this is FANTASTIC news!!!! Very cool for you both! Wish we could be here when you get here but we won't. I'll make one last run through the front later this week to make sure it is in tip-top shape for your grand arrival!!!
See you at your HOME when we get back!!
OOPS!! I posted the above on the wrong post!! Should have been on day earlier.