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Aug 12 - Seth's First (Mini) Block Walk

Seth did his first block walk with his walker today!  At home, we walk blocks often.  If we are pressed for time, we do a 1 block walk.  If we want to go get a bit of sun and air, its a 2 block walk.  If we want to really get something off our chest, its a three block walk.  If we have time, its the full neighborhood block walk, a trail hike, or through the college down the nature trail to Carvers for breakfast.  Basically, we walk.  Its a habit we've had for years and years.

So Seth took his walker and hopped around the intererior corridor of the west wing of the hospital.  So I count that as our first mini block walk.  He did great!  He kind of hops like a one legged bunny right now!

So the other big news for today is that we have an estimated discharge date of August 29th!  And then home to do outpatient rehab in Durango!  We have a care conference with Dr. Ripley and therapists on Monday and I'll get more details.  But bottom line, Seth is doing so well that Craig is saying he can go home.  And we will be really happy to be home.  I don't think we will have to change much in the house.  By then, Seth will be pretty agile with his walker or crutches and I'm sure they will teach him to negotiate stairs by then.   So sorry guys, no showers on the deck I'm afraid!

My mom and her husband came to visit today.   In one of Seth's therapy sessions, we ended up teaching his therapist how to play blackjack.  Seth was the banker and his pot today looked similar to the take he got when we played with Erinn, Darren and Eric on one of our camping trips. 

Seth speaking now:  Jody and I nearly cheered when we heard that August 29th is our projected end date cruising the hospital network here in Denver. That's a period we can both get out heads around and plan for.  We're already planning our exit trip and the people, sights, and places we will visit on our trip home.   Now to seriously focus on strength building...getting the legs strong enough to walk the neighborhood, and the shoulder powerful enough to do its share of work  We're on our way!

Posted on Tuesday, August 12, 2008 at 7:15PM by Registered CommenterJody | Comments4 Comments

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Reader Comments (4)

June 14 to August 29! 11 weeks must be a record recovery for this type of accident. You two are truly amazing. I continue to send you healing thoughts and good vibes. See you soon!

August 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMary

The two of you must be walking on air at news of this discharge date! I am so happy for you but must admit that the prospect of no deck showers is a disappointment. I had visions of streaming video, with its considerable branding prospects ("SethWash!"). You may even have begun a trend in outdoor showering at home.

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMolly

August 29th? Wow!!! That is such fantastic news. I know the road is still long but congratulations on an absolutely amazing recovery. We can't wait to see you guys back in Durango.

Darren and Erinn

ps. what the hell am I supposed to tell the advertisers who already bought deck shower time slots???

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDarren

Wow, it will be like a late birthday present for you (Jody). Seth can't go shopping to surprise you but he sure can work on going HOME for the perfect gift. :0)
I'm sure it will be the best gift you ever got!!

Much Love,

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMonique

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