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Aug 14 - Graduating to Crutches

Seth graduated to crutches today from his walker.  We did a half mini block walk with the crutches.  And then when he got tired, back to the wheelchair.

We had a bit of a snafu with his orthopedic appointment today.  So it got rescheduled for next week.  It makes me nervous.  We only have two weeks and change left and I was hoping to get Seth up and walking on both legs before we left.  It doesn't look like that will be the case.  We have gone over our house with his PT and it looks like he will be able to negotiate everything now that he has graduated to crutches.

I am so excited about this weekend.  I've got it all planned out.  Tomorrow night, we go out for dinner and the new batman movie at IMAX.  Then Saturday, we'll do his full PT routine in the morning and then we are going to the Denver Science Museum.  I've also got us booked to watch the Shackleton Antartic voyage on the IMAX that is in that museum at 2:00 p.m.  Shackleton's story is one of my favorite of all time (right up there with Doug Mawson)!  Then on Sunday, full PT routine in the morning and then on to the Denver Botanical Gardens at 10:00 a.m. and then lunch with my friend, Ingrid at some artsy vegan eclectic kind of restaurant!  It will be so nice to be out of the hospital and doing normal things with Seth.

Seth and I talked a lot about what happened to me yesterday and we've come to realize that, in essence, we were both hit by this car.  His wounds are much more visible and to a certain degree more tangible.  Mine are more elusive.  I suppose I've been suppressing them and hoping that by locking them in a corner of my mind, that that is where they would stay.  I do think one of my best remedies will be to come home and have a long session of Kitty purring on my chest, a nice long session in the garden and then being part of the love and community that surrounds us in Durango.  

Sometimes I get so tired trying to keep everthing going to ensure that Seth is getting the best care possible.  Little things like getting a handicap placard.  I go down the the Englewood DMV and they tell me I can't have one unless I apply for it in La Plata County where we live.  But that didn't make sense since we are driving around for the next two weeks here in Denver and then having to drive home to Durango.  The DMV lady even agreed. But that was their policy and she wasn't budging.  What I've learned is that you have to keep asking the questions and pushing, pushing, pushing until you get the answer you want.  Finally they relented and gave it to me.  But everything seems to be a fight.

I think I need to catch an eddy.  This picture is my eddy.  A resting place and fond memories of times past.  And looking forward to times forward!

Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 9:34PM by Registered CommenterJody | Comments1 Comment

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Reader Comments (1)

More progress. Really nice to read from here, but I can imagine it's much nicer from your respective vantage points. Keep up the good work, Seth.

August 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatt McFee

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