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July 24th - A Waiting Game

Well, it looks like we are in at Craig.  Seth and I happened to be outside of the entrance at Kindred doing PT when Dr. Cilo (Craig's referring neurologist / rehab doctor) walked in. I waved to him and said hello.  So he stopped to talk a bit and remarked on how well Seth is doing.  Then he called up to the admissions person at Craig to ask about our status and she said we were going August 4th.  I asked Dr. Cilo if that meant it was a done deal and he said yes.  When I called the admissions person at Craig later to just make sure of everything, she said they would be putting the paperwork for the insurance through next Wednesday.  She said this time Dr. Cilo's referral says that Seth will be weight bearing by the time he is admitted to Craig so she didn't think the insurance company would say no this time.  I'll follow up with the Craig folks next Thursday just to make sure there are no insurance snafus.

So bottom line, how I am looking at this is that it looks very positive.  And I'll believe he is going to Craig when we get admitted and his head hits a pillow on a bed at Craig Rehab.

And its going to be a long 11 days to that end.  I've told Seth we both have to stop obsessing about this and just let it flow.  We have to focus on his rehab where we are now.  I plan to work him until he is in a sweat everyday and too tired to think about anything but sleeping.  Anyway, that's my plan.

So this is a picture of Mark, Seth and I on top of Silverton Mountain.  This is a ski area that is listed as one of the most extreme mountains on some list somewhere.  You have to wear an avalanche beacon and carry a avalanche probe for them to let you on the lift.  I just remember how when we first got on the lift, my heart was beating so fast.  I was so scared thinking that I would get off the lift and immediately pitch into some abyss.  But it didn't work that way.  We found our way just like we are doing now.  Its still a steep mountain, don't get me wrong.  And it was hard.  But the key is we found our way and had fun. 

I've been kind of working on some goals for when we get back to our normal lives and one of them is that I want to be able to ski Silverton Mountain in style.  Really telemark it.  Be able to follow the fall line without stopping and have short tight turns.  Seth may not be up for it this winter season yet (We'll start him out at Purgatory on the easy stuff at first maybe in January or February depending on if he needs PCL surgury on his left knee or not) but when he gets on Silverton the year after that, I'll be able to show him all the sweet spots of untracked powder!  And then we'll go have coffee and a sweet at the Avalanche Bakery in Silverton!

Posted on Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 8:07PM by Registered CommenterJody | Comments5 Comments

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Reader Comments (5)

Great news gang! Seth - I'm countin' on you to show me a route down Silverton Mtn. I've always been way too scared but I'll follow your tracks in the '09-10 season! Coffee at the Av...sounds like a plan!

July 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRob and Amy

Wow, my jacket looks so clean in that photo. Seth offered to de-grunge it for me last winter because it was looking more brown than red, but I never took him up on it. Maybe I can drop it on the fix-it pile and it'll be red again by the time Seth's finished with it. Also, notice that I'm on alpine skis because I'd suffered a sprained ankle, and found it very painful and difficult to telemark at the time. We should think about getting Seth on AT skis, AKA training heels until he's ready for knee-dipping, tree-hugging, fairy status ;-)

July 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMark & Pate

Thats a good goal and I'm with you Jody, lets get to the point where we can tear Silverton Mnt. up. Seth, you'll be out there soon enough. Your recovering far faster than the average Joe even if it doesn't seem that way. "Tele til your Smelly"!

July 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSteven

It is great to hear how well Seth is doing! Craig is an absolutely wonderful place! Johnny P and I think of Seth often. Amie

July 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmie Meditz

It is great to hear how well Seth is doing! Craig is an absolutely wonderful place! Johnny P and I think of Seth often. Amie

July 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmie Meditz

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