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Aug 11 - Big Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the big day.  The docs and all the therapists are having a case conference and will determine our estimated discharge date.  We asked Dr. Ripley to give us an indication and he said it would be sooner than later but that was it.  I don't know what sooner means in terms of Craig language.  So we shall see tomorrow....In any event, I am quite confident that they will choose a date that is best for Seth to come home when he is ready.  I definitely feel like the doctors are making the decisions here which has given me great relief. 

We had a nice weekend.  We ate out with friends and had heated political debates about the state of our nation.  It was fun!  Dave and Greg, please do provide your definition of Utopia!  I'm still waiting for the magic answer!

Seth and I went through a thorough PT routine on Saturday and Sunday.  He doesn't get therapies on weekends so those days can drag on a bit.  However, next weekend, this should not be the case.  I got trained in how to transfer Seth into our truck.  So hopefully Dr. Ripley will sign off on letting me take him out for short jaunts.  We plan to take in the new batman movie at the IMAX theater and dinner on Friday.  And then I will figure out a plan for Saturday and Sunday after we do his PT.  We've never really explored Denver so I think it will be fun to see what it has to offer in terms of museums, music, and art!  If anyone has any suggestions about what's best to see in Denver, let me know.  And of course, if you find yourself in our neck of the woods, we'd love to have your company this weekend.

Being here at Craig, I see first hand many stories that are hard to see.  I was pretty worried about this when we first got here wondering if I could handle it. Wondering if my nightmares would continue or even get worse.  But what I have witnessed repeatedly is the incredible determination of the human spirit.  I realize that in spite of what has happened to us, we are really lucky.  I have not had a single nightmare since arriving here. 

The picture for today is Seth somewhere in the Maroon Bells wilderness area.  We had hiked in on Labor Day a few years back and a storm came in and just raged leaving the mountains with a feathery white blanket of early snow.   While we aren't witnessing the wildflowers this summer or perhaps even a scene such as this this fall, we learn to adapt.  And thus I find peace in a place that I never thought was possible.

Posted on Monday, August 11, 2008 at 9:57PM by Registered CommenterJody | CommentsPost a Comment

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