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July 22 – In Seth’s words

There was a clear moment which cut through the awkwardness, disappointment and pain of being a patient in a hospital.  The doctor said that if this accident had occurred 20 years ago, I would be dead. I use this statement to evaluate my injuries.  Today a therapist mentioned that my knee may ache from arthritis.  On balance, not a bad trade.  Ultimately, unexpected events occur and we adapt. One of the most painful and acute memories I have of this experience is when Jody described seeing my crumpled body in the middle of the road and how the emergency personnel rolled me on to my back where my right leg flopped unnaturally since the femur and tibia were shattered.  These are not pleasant memories but concrete.  These are the memories I will recollect when the lights are out.  This is when I hold Jody, tell her I love her, and believe that we’ll make it through this.  I want to thank all of the people who have helped Jody and me through this with your thoughts, prayers and deeds.  The light is growing brighter at the end of the tunnel.




970-385-5567 (Contact to reach Seth between 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. MST during the weekdays or most anytime on Saturdays (ask if he has any therapies going on and if so arrange to call him back) and anytime at all on Sundays as he has no formal therapy except The Routine as provided by me!)


This picture is Seth riding the Poison Spider trail above Moab, UT.

Posted on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 4:27AM by Registered CommenterJody | Comments4 Comments

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Reader Comments (4)

Yea, the stiff lower back most mornings and just flat sore feeling now & then is my trade for ‘Daniel, you may never walk again…’ 16 years ago. So a bit of arthritis in the knee is a hell of a good trade and, as odd as this sounds, good news.
We adapt.

July 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDaniel

So great to hear from you, friend Seth! And glad to hear that every day is getting better, even if dealing with the thoughts and memories may be a process. You will get there...the light and the hope and the love will ultimately pull you through.
p.s. nice jet contrail out the back of your pack...you are one speedy guy ;)

July 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterErinn & Darren

Seth, You're on a long road to recovery, but seem to be making record progress down this road. When you regained consciousness after the crash, and began responding to the paramedics' questions, I had confidence that you would fully recover. We knew that you had a broken femur and dislocated shoulder, but figured that with a titanium rod, you'd be up and about in no time. I couldn't imagine the extent of your injuries, and feel lucky to had had Jody to keep us apprised of your daily progress. And now seeing your blog post, we, out here in cyber-space, can truly see that you're back!

There is a big hole here in Durango that is waiting to be filled by the two of you. We can't wait to have you back home, and to that end, will keep the energy flowing your way.

July 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMark & Pate

Hey there big guy...good to hear from you finally. Gives me hope that you'll be in top shape when it comes to writing this years Xmas update (this one should be interesting to say the least...)! lol.

Seriously, you're incredible and you know you've married Mrs. Incredible.

Call you soon,

July 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMonique

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