Aug 5 - Glowing in the Dark
They took so many x-rays of Seth today that he came out practically glowing orange! And they keep the x-ray machine ice cold. So Seth got pretty cold sitting on the x-ray table for an hour. He came out with goose bumps and didn't really warm up until we gave him a nice hot shower. He never had much body fat and then he lost all that so now its basically muscle and bone on a hard surface!
The days are pretty structured. He has his therapies at designated times. We didn't realize we were supposed to go to the therapy room to have the therapies but now we know.
I've also been lobbying to take him outside. I think the sun, wind and air are an equal part of any therapy program and certainly one that is important to my state of mind. They have much stricter rules here so I am doing a certification program so I can take him outside, so I can give him a shower, so I can take him outside off the campus and then finally outside in the car. We both agreed that I would just keep pushing to get all these certifications because at the end of the day we'd really like to be able to go out to dinner and then go see the new Batman movie on the big screen!
The therapies today were mostly screenings. They are examining Seth with every test known to man. Which is good. But Seth did do his old Kindred therapy this evening just to make sure his muscles keep supple for when they really start the PT on him. Plus Seth says it feels good to just move his legs about and get the blood flowing.
I met one of Seth's night tech's tonight who is a climber and a kayaker. The more I learn about the staff here, the more I realize we really made a good decision to come here because they understand where Seth needs to go.
That being said, I'm feeling pretty homesick. I try not to think about home but sometimes I can't help it. Perhaps it was a startling question that came from our Occupational Therapist today when she questioned if the goal was to go home or to move to outpatient rehab. The answer was and remains resoundingly home.
The picture today is Seth on the Slickrock Trail in Moab looking over the La Sals. Durango lies behind those hills. I can't see it yet but I know it is there awaiting our return.
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