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Aug 1st - We made it!

We got approval from Blue Cross to move to Craig Rehab on Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It feels like rain on the desert sand.  So soothing to my mind, body and soul. A relief to both of us from the uncertainty of it all.  To know that this is the last step until we chart a course for home.

We'll still be at Kindred tomorrow and Sunday (and Seth would love any visitors if you have time as it gets dreadfully boring with no staff around on the weekends!) but Monday morning, we ship out.

Here's where we'll be as of Monday.  I'll let you know the room number as soon as Seth gets checked in.

Craig Hospital
3425 S. Clarkson St.
Englewood, CO 80113

I'll be taking a weekend break from posting to the blog.  I'll post again on Monday evening with how the move to Craig went and how we are doing.  Maybe I'll even write an ode or poem!  My heart is bursting with happiness right now.  Seth says I have a worry line in my forehead that looks like the Grand Canyon.  I think even that worry line has eased a bit with this development! 

Here is Seth on our trip to the Maze back in 2005.  It had just downpoured on us in the desert.  All these waterfalls started cascading over the canyon sides like a wilderness symphony.  It was pure beauty.

Posted on Friday, August 1, 2008 at 9:55PM by Registered CommenterJody | Comments4 Comments

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Reader Comments (4)

Fantastic...new scenery, new people, new things to do...I am so happy things are back on track.

I have to tell you I was depressed to find I was "missing" a blog entry this morning (was catching up from Thursday) but I see you've taken time off (I guess I can accept this "gap"). Gonna need an extra big blog though on Monday!

Thought I would share a funny thing that happened in class with you guys. OK. As I have said previously, since Seth's accident I went back to school to re-certify my Medical EMT-Advance status. So, I was in class on Saturday (every Saturday lately-Thanks Seth...). Anyways, we were doing "Critical Trauma" assessments and we were naming our training mannequins. Since I have mentioned Seth and his injuries several times to the other medics in my group, all we could think of to name our "guy" was Seth! We had to come up with a "scenario" for a major trauma incident with injuries for "Seth". Most of the other groups were stuck for a good scenario and injuries, but we all had "our story" (thanks Seth). Since ours was the most intricate and involved the most multiple injuries, we got an "A+" for the drills. Of course we took excellent care of "our Seth" and I am happy to report his full recovery. Just thought the "real Seth" should be aware that he saved our butts yesterday. Thanks again for my "A+" Seth...you're my hero.

Hope this made you smile,

August 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMonique

The crowd goes wild!!! Furtney does a victory lap waving to all his fans in Durango!!! :) :)

Awesome development. Do something to celebrate.

August 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatt McFee

So glad to hear tomorrow is a new beginning! Glad you took a break over the weekend, Jody, but we all miss hearing from you. Wade and his fishing buddy, Steve, entered a Tarpon contest as a team this weekend in Galveston. It was a CPR - catch, photo & release, fund-raiser for Tarpons in the Gulf Coast as the population is diminishing. There were many boats entered, however Wade & Steve took the non-gasoline route and entered in their kayaks! They fished about 3-5 miles offshore and I am happy to report that Steve caught the ONLY Tarpon the entire weekend from his Kayak - 5' long, 75 lbs. All the boaters were just amazed (and jealous). They all had to come back in about 10 am this a.m. because there is a storm brewing and they had 35-45 mph wind gusts, but they had a blast and they won the tournament. No cash prize as the money all went to the Tarpon foundation but they got some cool donated prizes like a watch, a bronze statue of a Tarpon, an expensive fishing reel, etc...and they may make the newspaper. If they do, I'll send you copy of the article. I can't wait to see the photos and I'll share those with you guys too.

August 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGail Balettie


August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAshlie

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