July 30th - Dear Yogini of the Mountain
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 at 9:49PM

 I wrote this letter some time ago when I was going through a rough rapid in life. The message still holds true for me so I thought I would share it with you. It helps me remember to be here now and take each day as it comes. I must remember....

Dear Yogini of the Mountain,

Ah….I feel your pain. You have every right to feel this hurt. Let it wash over you….and then, let it go. Just like the free flowing and wild river with its seasons. The cold dark of winter with snow glistening, the rush of spring snowmelt, the lazy days of summer meandering, and fall’s crispness and color.

Anger, resentment, revenge and fear….these are powerful feelings but they fester like a river dammed. Love, trust, fortitude and forgiveness…. These are the emotions that take you to new heights.

Love, trust and fortitude are the snowcapped mountains where you find your inner strength. Forgiveness is the quiet light of a beautiful sunset.

Do you deserve what has happened to you? Absolutely not. However, the world is not a balanced scale. It ebbs and flows. The path you take through this life is your choice.

It is easy to revel in negativity. But look at the people who choose that route. Do you admire them? No. Your heroes are the people who withstand immense physical or mental adversity and who come out the other side stronger and wiser. Maybe they even die but if they die trying, you still admire them.

Each day, you have a choice.

To Love – Love yourself. Allow that image you project to others sink in to your inner core. It is not an image, it is your truth.

To Trust – Live your life looking forwards not backwards with a deep trust that this too shall pass.

To Forgive – Forgiveness is acknowledging the pain and letting it go. It ultimately heals your soul.

Fortitude – Waking up each day and making the right choices. And if you slip, picking yourself up. Just like your heroes. After all, this is a journey not a destination.

I know right now your demon is screaming at you. Telling you that if you do not hold on to your feelings of anger, resentment, revenge and fear, that you are only doomed to have this happen to you again. But I’ll tell you what, your demon is dead wrong. Holding on to those feelings will make you bitter and old before your time.

You are a child of the mountains and rivers. I am the wind, earth, sun, and stars. Journey well.

The Wise One

Article originally appeared on Seth-n-Jode's Adventures (http://sethmonster.squarespace.com/).
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