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July 29 - Wolverine and Game Night

We had a sports medicine appointment back over at Denver General today with Dr. Mann to go over Seth's knee and shoulder. 

Really good news on a number of fronts.  Seth's left knee is healing well although he may require surgery of his left PCL some time down the road. But the fracture in the knee is healing with no issues.  The doc said his left shoulder didn't have any ligament or tendon tears and his hand and arm weakness would just take time to heal but he felt it would heal.  The doc said that Seth now only has to wear his left leg brace when he is up and about in his wheel chair and once he starts walking.  He doesn't have to wear it when he is in bed anymore.  This is really good news because Seth says the brace is really hot and uncomfortable.  The doc was amazed at the strength in Seth's left leg.  The OT and PT folks at Kindred have made great strides in improving Seth's strength in his left arm and his legs and it really shows!  Also the doc said that Seth can do a few more excercises with his left arm.

We wheeled Seth over to the doc's computer and he went through both his knee and shoulder MRI's with  us.   I really appreciate the time he took to go over all of this with us and help us understand what is going on in Seth's body.  One thing he showed us that I was a bit unprepared for was the x-rays of his legs.  Seth truly has an adamantium skeleton now.  There is more metal than bone in his legs.  The left hip was particularly shocking to me.  I thought Seth had this tiny titanium chain in his left hip with a few staples to hold it in.  The x-ray showed these two huge, what seemed like to me, ship sized chain rings with bolts that went practically up to his shoulder bones.  I'm exagerating a little but seriously, I had to sit down in a chair after I saw this because it was so shocking and I grew a bit faint.  I see now why Seth can't bear weight on his left leg for another month.  And with all this, the stink of it is, he still didn't get the adamantium claws in his knuckles!   Although he seems to be healing with a Wolverine like capability!

We ended the day playing scrabble with Stink and Schmell (John and Kelly), our Nepal trekking partners in the Kindred cafeteria.  They brought over yet another canadian bacon and pineapple pizza (thats the only kind of pizza ever to order by the way :-)  and we played scrabble.  Just like we did in Nepal nearly every night of our trip.  There is definitely a strategy with Scrabble and John and Kelly have it down pat.  They know all the two letter words you can make with a Q or a Z (which both count 10 points) and they always manage to put that on a triple word spot.  Plus I think they take their scrabble dictionary home and study it at night.  They refuse to let us make up our own words.  Although one time, we were allowed to make up words as long as there was a legitimate story behind the word.  I came up with the word Zwink and described this as what you do when you pass a yak too close on the trail.  You Zwink.  Doesn't that make sense? :)  Plus it was on a triple word spot and since I was the scorekeeper, I believe I won that game! 

This is a picture of the four of us sans our scrabble board somewhere in the Everest region of Nepal.

Posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at 10:05PM by Registered CommenterJody | Comments1 Comment

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Reader Comments (1)

Seth, switch to carbon fiber body parts....Ti is so 90's. :)

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatt McFee

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