We were snuggled up in Seth's bed yesterday watching our movie and a new LPN came in to take Seth's vitals who has not taken care of him before.
Since Seth is looking so good, she looked us over and legitimately asked who the patient was! I let Seth take the heparin shot! I'm not that devoted! :-)
We heard the same story from Dr. Yaeger who is the Medical Director for Kindred. He came in this evening and said that he is going to try to get Seth moved up to Craig earlier than August 4th. He said that Kindred has done all it can for Seth and he really needs to move on with his rehab.
This would be wonderful as Seth and I are both going a bit stir crazy although we've both agreed we aren't going to complain too much. First of all, who likes to hear a complainer? And second of all, refer to my first of all comment!
So of course, we did the Routine again today. There isn't any therapy on the weekends so Seth really appreciates me taking him through his drills. And he continues to say that the shower is divine!
I've been thinking a fair bit about this playing field we are in right now. One of the things that is striking to me is that Seth does not remember even going biking the day of the accident. He literally woke up broken and battered and had no idea why he was where he was at. One therapist was on point when she said that often patients will tell her they feel like they woke up in someone else's body. It scares me, this concept. That we were leading this completely normal life and then wham, Seth was nearly killed. In the blink of an eye. For me, this puts life into perspective. Many decisions I make after this experience will be radically different than I might have made before.
But it has also made me wary. As if I want to develop a spider sense of what might happen and avoid disasters like this in the future. But is this a reasonable way to approach life? I truly do not know but I don't think so. It doesn't seem natural or healthy to always be looking over your shoulder to avert a disaster. Perhaps my grip on reality is not so strong right now and as Erinn says, this too shall pass and I'll eventually find my balance.
Seth, of course, is the steady one during this whole experience. He has always been the keel of our ship and remains so even though battered. I thank the universe every single day that Seth is back. I know his bones are broken, some ligaments torn, but the fact that he came back as Seth with all his personality and mannerisms and soul is truly a miracle. Although I know storms are brewing and we may be tossed around a bit as we take this journey, we have a solid ship we are sailing. And we are headed for home.