July 11 - Jelly Poker, Farkle, Jenga, Cranium, Slings(?)
We've been on many a ski hut trip, bike trip, hiking trip. A common theme that happens is you end up playing some sort of card or dice game in the hut or tent at night. This usually involves a lot of cheating, particularly if Seth is involved. :O)
On our Durango to Moab bike trip, we were playing Jelly Poker. Since we didn't have poker chips, we used the jelly packets that were provided by the hut as our "chips". Jelly up! Joel was trying to play straight up poker but he had met his match. Seth never plays a straight poker game so there was a fair bit of card passing going on.
On our annual 'versary trips (every February, we rent a condo somewhere for a ski weekend for our wedding anniversary), we play Cranium. Seth had us all believing how the game was supposed to end and we played for hours until finally Joel read the rules and straightened us out that you didn't "have" to roll a purple to end the game which Seth had us all believing. We all had a good laugh. Joel likes to play by the rules which Seth works to break before or even after the rules are announced.
On our annual Thanksgiving hut trips with Lori and Steve and a number of friends (as shown above), we play farkle and truth or dare jenga. The dares often involve sticking your head in the snow or running around the hut outside with only your ski boots on. Things of that sort that gladly we don't have too many incriminating photos of!
You are probably wondering where I'm heading with this. Sometimes I wonder myself! Stay with me dear reader!
Today, Mom and I were arriving at Seth's room and we happened to chat with someone outside his room. Just as we walk in, we see Seth hurridly putting on his sling. He knows he supposed to keep his sling on but he had taken it off and was trying to get it on quick before we came in! A common them to Jelly Poker, Farkle, Jenga and Cranium.
I gently admonished Seth about this. He really has been pretty good about it and keeps it on most times. But he says it gets so uncomfortable to just keep his arm in that sling with no movement. The PT says he will be ok as long as he doesn't move the shoulder too much and just moves his hand and wrist and lower arm for now By the way, his left hand and arm are really gaining strength. He used to have to move his left arm with his right hand. Now he is able to move his left hand and arm on its own which is a really positive development.
We did get the results of his brain and left shoulder MRI's when I got a call from Dr. Yarnell, Seth's neurologist. The brain showed that the diffuse axonal injury is healing. Also the neurologist said he didn't see any tendon or ligament damage in the left shoulder. So that is really good. The PT said she thought the left arm will just continue to get stronger and stronger with rehab and healing although it may take some time for the nerves to heal.
They put some boxers and a t-shirt on Seth today. He doesn't look so "hospitalish" in these clothes and I really liked the new look. Thanks to Sue (our sister in law) for buying him the boxers! And they took the bolster that they have strapped between his legs and changed it out with a pillow (at least in the day time) that is still strapped between his legs. He said that was a lot more comfortable.
He ate his lunch and half of my lunch today as well as a power bar we brought for him. I'm really happy that he has a healthy appetite.
We are also working to get the catheter out. They do some bladder training and then will take it out. That will be the last tube thats in. All the others are gone now. So we'll have to celebrate when he gets that one out!
The doctors, nurses and staff at Kindred are really nice. We've gotten to know most of them. They work so hard. It gives me a real appreciation for how much work a medical career is. I really raise my glass to all you doctors, nurses, LPN's, CNA's, etc out there!
Mostly, it is so nice to just sit and talk with Seth for much of the day. I feel like I could talk with him for hours about anything, nothing, and everything. To know that he is there mentally and will be there physically is a huge relief even though I still worry about him taking off his sling every now and then! What can I say? Its my nature to worry and its his nature to bend the rules!
Reader Comments (5)
I told you I had read the blog.I am on vacation and am keeping up with Seth this way.I just read he's leaving Kindred on Weds.I am glad I will be back to say goodbye to you guys! I am also very happy to hear he's going to Craig which is where you guys wanted to go.I feel confident that no matter where he wound up for additional rehab, he'd do great....loved the comment about improving his handwriting and getting him to 102%.
I just love reading your posts, Jody. Seth, since tomorrow is your birthday, I'm sending you a little joke that I hope will make you laugh. It's a blonde joke and because I'm blonde, I am legally authorized to share it without recrimination.
A blonde teenager, wanting to earn some extra money for the summer, decided to hire herself out as a 'handy-woman' and started canvassing a nearby well-to-do neighborhood.
She went to the front door of the first house, and asked the owner if he had any odd jobs for her to do.
'Well, I guess I could use somebody to paint my porch,' he said, 'How much will you charge me?'
Delighted, the girl quickly responded, 'How about $50?'
The man agreed and told her that the paint brushes and everything she would need was in the garage.
The man's wife, hearing the conversation said to her husband, 'Does she realize that our porch goes ALL the way around the house?'
He responded, 'That's a bit cynical, isn't it?'
The wife replied, 'You're right. I guess I'm starting to believe all those dumb blonde jokes we've been getting by e-mail lately.'
Later that day, the blonde came to the door to collect her money.
You're finished already?' the startled husband asked.
'Yes, the blonde replied, and I even had paint left over, so I gave it two coats.'
Impressed, the man reached into his pocket for the $50.00 and handed it to her along with a ten dollar tip.
'And by the way, 'the blonde added, 'it's not a Porch, it's a Lexus.'
Nice post!
I'm feeling exciting to know about the experience of the players and i'd like to play events at wsop. I think It's a great experience.
Jody and Seth,
I just read the blog today that says the transfer to Craig has some obstacle in the way i.e. insurance issues. Let us know what we can do to help you remove the barrier. Jody, the cell phone number I have for you is old. Please give me a call or e-mail me with your new one so that we can arrange our dinner.
Linda and Rich